Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Baydın
Dr. Pınar BAYDIN received her BSc degree in Biology from Hacettepe University. After getting MSc degree, about genotoxic effects of HBV to host DNA, in Medical Biology and Genetics Department of Ankara University, School of Medicine; she obtained PhD degree from the same department collaboration with Medical Oncology Department about cancer gene therapy. After that, she studied as a post-doc volunteer at San Raffael University, Telethon Institute/Milan, Italy at Luigi Naldini Lab, a world-renowned pioneer of gene therapy, for 6 monthes. She has started to work at Ankara University Stem Cell Institute after coming back to Turkiye. She is still now at Stem Cell Institute, as Assoc. Prof., working in producing mesenchymal stem cells in GMP conditions and cancer therapy/angiogenesis researches. Depending on her studies at Instituto de Neurosciencias CSIC-UMH, School of Medicine, University of Miguel Hernandez/Alicante, Spain with Prof. Dr. Salvador Martinez Perez, she is studying angiogenesis, pericytes and glioblastoma now. She is also head of General Labs at AnkaTheraHub.