Ankara Innovative Theranostics Development Center (AnkaTheraHub) is a new technology center that gathers cutting-edge technologies enabling the production, test & analysis of diagnostic and therapeutic products by the healthcare industry in the fields of cancer and infectious diseases.
Pioneering Innovation in Theranostics Products
The concept of theranostics, a combination of therapy and diagnostics, is a revolutionary approach that has the potential to enhance the management of various diseases by providing targeted therapy based on specific diagnostic tests.
With the continuous advancements in science and technology, the integration of theranostics into medical practice has become a critical aspect in ensuring efficient and personalized patient care.
AnkaTheraHub drives pioneering innovation in the field of theranostics, a combination of therapeutics and diagnostics. By integrating these two vital aspects of healthcare, theranostics strives to optimize patient treatment, allowing for personalized medicine that is both timely and accurate. This revolutionary approach has the potential to transform the healthcare industry, enabling clinicians to tailor treatments to individual patients, thus improving outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Providing Extensive Benefits in one Infrastructure
AnkaTheraHub presents an innovative model that aims to gather the essential technologies and human resources within one infrastructure. This innovative model results in:
Optimization of resources:
AnkaTheraHub gathers advanced technologies and highly skilled staff in one infrastructure, thus optimizing the resources and promoting resource sharing among the organizations in the healthcare industry.
Facilitating interaction among Healthcare Industry professionals:
AnkaTheraHub facilitates seamless interaction among scientists, researchers, and industry professionals, thereby fostering the exchange of ideas and collaboration.
Streamlining the process of innovation:
AnkaTheraHub streamlines the process of innovation, from the conception of an idea to its realization into a usable product.
Customized Support for All the Actors in the Healthcare Sector
By fostering the exchange of ideas and collaboration among scientists, researchers, and industry professionals, as well as providing cutting-edge technology services, AnkaTheraHub offers customized support for all the actors in the healthcare sector in Türkiye.
Start-Ups: AnkaTheraHub streamlines the process of innovation, from the conception of an idea to its realization into a usable product,
SMEs: AnkaTheraHub enhances the innovation process and the R&D capacity to produce high-quality and cost-effective theranostics products,
Pharma-Industry: AnkaTheraHub offers valuable support to the pharmaceutical industry in planning their clinical research and navigating regulatory approval procedures from national and international bodies, such as EMA, FDA, and TİTCK,
Researchers: AnkaTheraHub’s state-of-the-art infrastructure provides advanced research technologies to facilitate the development, testing, and analysis of diagnostic and therapeutic products, supporting the field of theranostics in both cancer and infectious diseases.