AIFD and AnkaTheraHub Met for Innovative Solution
An important meeting in the health sector took place in Istanbul on Friday, June 7, 2024. The AnkaTheraHub Info Day, organized with the participation of the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AIFD) and representatives of its members, brought together important names in the sector.
The event started with AnkaTheraHub Director Prof. Dr. Hakan Akbulut’s presentation in which he introduced the center. Then, IPA Project Team Leader Dr. Pascal Kahlem informed the participants about the technical assistance project and opportunities offered by the center in more detailed.
Following the meeting, presentations were made by Arzu Koç, Deputy Director of IQVIA, one of the leading companies in the sector, and Ebru Öncü, Clinical Operations Director of ICON. These presentations paved the way for exchanges of ideas on AnkaTheraHub’s potential collaborations and contribution to innovative solutions in the industry.
During the event, participants had the opportunity to share their questions and suggestions about the presentations. In the question-answer and suggestion section, which was the last part of the meeting, an interactive environment was provided on AnkaTheraHub’s future goals and collaborations in the sector.
The interaction and information exchange provided at this important meeting contributed to taking promising steps for the future of the healthcare industry. The collaboration of AIFD and AnkaTheraHub will continue to play an important role in the development of innovative solutions in the industry.
