Nanopartikül Birimi


Nanopartikül Birimi, terapötik stratejilere yönelik nanopartikül alanında Ar-Ge için akredite testler ve analizler sağlamaktadır.

Sahadaki uygulamaları ve etki alanları

Teranostik nanopartikül gelecekteki hastalık yönetiminde devrim niteliğinde bir potansiyele sahiptir. Son on yılda, küçük hayvanlarda eşzamanlı kanser görüntüleme ve tedavisi için çeşitli teranostik nanopartikün mühendisliğine artan bir ilgi vardır. Teranostik nanopartikülün tümör bölgesine etkili bir şekilde hedeflenmesi hem teşhis hem de tedavi anlamında çok önemlidir. Bununla birlikte, in vivo tümör hedefleme kabiliyeti yüksek biyouyumlu teranostik nanopartikül geliştirilmesinde hala bazı zorluklar bulunmaktadır.

Milestone - Ethos Up
Malvern - Panalytical Zetasizer
Perkin Elmer - Spotlight 400
Horiba - X'Plora Plus
  • Areas of impact and applications in the field

    Regarding cancer research, synthetic biology seeks to re-design biological systems to perform novel functions in a predictable way. Recent advances in bacterial and mammalian cell engineering include the development of cells that function in biological samples or within the body as minimally invasive diagnostics or theranostics for the real-time regulation of complex pathological conditions. Ex-vivo and in-vivo cell-based biosensors and therapeutics have been developed to target a wide range of diseases including cancer.

    A major milestone in the field of theranostic cell engineering was the 2017 FDA approval of tisagenlecleucel, the first gene therapy to be approved in the USA. Considering the above, this facility will work on preclinical applications of mammalian sensing and drug delivery platforms as well as underlying biological designs that could lead to new classes of cell diagnostics and therapeutics.

    In the context of infectious diseases, there is a growing need for novel, specific, sensitive, and effective diagnostic and treatment procedures. Synthetic systems and devices are evolving into strong tools for treating human infections. The advancement of synthetic biology provides platforms for detecting and preventing infectious diseases that are efficient, accurate, and cost-effective.


  • Particle size analysis
  • Raman microscopy
  • Spectrometry (FTIR)
  • Production inorganic nanoparticles 
  • Production organic nanoparticles 
  • Production bioparticles 
  • Production of Quantum Dots (Qdots)
  • List of Equipments

    Equipment name
    Equipment name:
    Microwave Synthesis Reactor
    Ethos Up
    Equipment name:
    Particle Size Analyzer
    Panalytical Zetasizer
    Equipment name:
    Raman Microscope
    X’Plora Plus
    Equipment name:
    Perkin Elmer
    Spotlight 400


    Prof. Dr. Hakan Akbulut
    Prof. Dr. Hakan Akbulut
    Ankara Üniversitesi Kanser Araştırma Enstitüsü
    Genel Laboratuvar Koordinatörü
    research, development, R&D, nanoparticles, laboratory, healthcare, theranostics products, healthcare industry, innovation, health, diagnosis
    AnkaTheraHub, kanser ve bulaşıcı hastalıklar alanında yüksek katma değerli ve yüksek teknolojili yenilikçi teranostik ürünler üretmeleri amacıyla KOBİ'lere odaklanarak Türkiye'deki sağlık sektörünün Ar-Ge kapasitesini desteklemeye kendini adamıştır.